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Our Blog



Day One - Official Doing Well Launch

Steven Berger


(T minus 0... lift off!)

Hello and welcome to the official Doing Well online launch! Today marks a milestone for our company... the launch of our Doing Well website and the first of hopefully many future blog entries. 

Although we have been formally established since 2012 and thus, are not a new company in the classic sense of the word, today we enter the larger world stage, via our online store and look forward to welcoming many new friends.

If you haven't already, please take a few minutes to learn about our company by clicking on the 'About Us' tab at very the top of our Home Page. There, you will learn about what inspired the creation of Doing Well and also about the company's central objective. Hint: We are in the business of bringing joy, laughter, introspection & much needed objectivity to our fellow humans while, at the same time, also trying to honor a planet desperately calling out for help! 

And for those of you who already know us, thank you for stopping by and your continued support. We are deeply humbled by your unique life stories and remain genuinely grateful to each of you for having chosen us as your conduit to wellness! In the true spirit of Doing Well, as we officially welcome you to our virtual online site, please remember our moniker: "It's not what you say... it's what you do" that truly makes a difference. As such, we hope to lead by example and be a positive source of inspiration for others. 

So, on behalf of the Doing Well family, welcome to the tribe and thanks again for stopping by! Please feel free to browse our site and familiarize yourself with our products. Here, you're always welcome and you're free to stay as long as you'd like!

November 21, 2015 (Day 1- Official Doing Well Launch)

We are excited to announce the official launch of the Doing Well website and to introduce ourselves to the larger world audience! 

As of today, we are also officially launching in Spain, France, Italy, Germany & Austria so look out world... soon we'll be coming to a country near you! Anyway, it's hard to believe that "the" day has finally arrived but it is indeed here. As is so often the case with life and it's many unexpected curve balls, Doing Well actually began almost four years ago, in 2012, but as many of you can probably relate to, life had a different set of plans. And let me just say that since then, our journey has been anything but uneventful! 

The truth is that despite what many of us have been wrongly conditioned to believe are circumstances "within our control", sadly, many life events are, quite to the contrary, anything but 'within our power' to control. 

Such was the case when, back in 2012, after a series of life events caused us to unexpectedly deviate from Doing Well full-time and instead forced us to approach the venture in a limited, part-time, capacity, did we reluctantly acquiesce and took a brief hiatus. 

Regrettably, although this did set us back a little bit, ultimately, it was all for the good... a true blessing in disguise... as it afforded us additional time that we were not even aware we needed, to tweek some critical design elements and thus, better perfect our brand. 

By late 2012, early 2013, we were up & running but once again life came a knocking! Just when we thought we were in the clear, someone in our company became ill and thus, out of love & respect for our fellow associate and also sheer human decency, we decided to temporarily put the venture on hold once again. Bottom line... to all of us here at Doing Well, it's people, their life stories & unique set of personal circumstances, challenges and triumphs that truly matter the most, above all else, and it is part of the core philosophy that we consciously aspire to live by!   

By the Fall of 2013, Doing Well was, for lack of a better descriptive phrase, doing well again & back on track to infiltrate mainstream America. Our representatives had big plans for the then, upcoming 2013 holiday season and the anticipated Spring of 2014.

However, launching from a coastal New England location did not come without considerable challenges as, during the harsh winters, we are frequently at the mercy of Mother Nature, impotent to act, should she decide that "school's being cancelled" on any given day or for an extended period of time like um... several consecutive days and in some cases, even an entire work week! Couple this with the altogether separate challenge we faced that inevitably comes with living on the coast, in a true seaside tourist destination, and we quickly realized that many of our projected business plans would be thwarted, if not directly affected by circumstances well beyond our human control. 

(Sidenote: the reality is that given our coastal demographic and specifically, the transient nature of living in a tourist location, many area businesses operate exclusively in a seasonal capacity and shut down during winter months).  In short, a mere casual observer could reasonably conclude that with the exception of the bustling summer tourist season, New England's southcoast is probably not the most ideal location to launch a year-round apparel business, especially in the dead of winter! 

Fast forward to Spring of 2014. By this time, we had already managed to expose the Doing Well brand and had also gained considerable regional exposure! Needless to say, this was both personally gratifying and professionally validating but nothing, and I do mean nothing can prepare you for the feeling that you get when you walk into a public establishment and someone that you don't know (a complete stranger, in fact) recognizes "the brand". Better still is the feeling you get when you see your brainchild proudly displayed on someone else... an often times larger-than-life, scripted reminder of the child that you gave birth to! Ah... if we could only bottle that very same feeling and give it to the rest of the world, what a wonderful place this would be!  

Suffice to say that after several unanticipated setbacks early on and two consecutive brutal New England winters, Doing Well has not only survived some of life's most challenging circumstances but hasactually emerged stronger, wiser and better than we could ever have imaged. To all of you who survived the ride with us... thank you for sticking around and believing in our resilence and to all of you just joining us now... welcome aboard! 

Below, are pictures of some of our newly printed apparel products. Fyi... our special, limited edition, holiday items are currently being printed and should arrive as early as next week, after Thanksgiving but well before the official Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanza season. In the meantime, please feel free to browse the gallery and let us know your thoughts. Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday and may you all find a reason to be thankful! To be continued...

In gratitude and wellness,

The Doing Well Family