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About Us

About us



We are Doing Well


WELLcome to DOING WELL! We are happy you stopped by and sincerely hope that you enjoy our site and your online experience. It is our goal to provide you with exceptional customer service, make you always feel valued as a friend & customer and in doing so, make you a part of our forever family! That being said, please take a few minutes to get acquainted with the site and learn more about our company's mission.

Doing Well is a lifestyle/apparel company specializing in the creation of inspirational ware for people of all ages, cultures, religions & backgrounds. While this describes who we are as a company, in truth, it is but a small snap-shot of our much larger objective or, in simpler terms, what we are "doing" in tandem with creating our brand apparel. In short, Doing Well Inspirational Ware is but an incident to a much larger world mission!

From the start our objective was clear and unhindered. Namely, to provide a method of delivering imprinted inspiration via positive, life affirming and often times overtly comedic taglines... a conduit for sharing heartfelt life sentiments, in a wholesome and fun way. Unlike other online companies who exclusively sell apparel, Doing Well sets itself apart by answering to a higher calling. For us this calling has allowed us to stay focused on what truly matters most... people, their stories, our planet and a number of social causes that we feel strongly cannot be ignored. Fueled by a one-world-CAN-fit-all, our vision was to create a centrally positive message: one that would hopefully inspire, lead by true example and transcend all cultural, political & religious borders by spreading a simple but universally embraceable ideology.

In fact, it was only after recognizing our very own desire to effectuate such positive changes that Doing Well was born. Mainly, this was fueled by the greater need to somehow transform our frenetic, modern world... a world which is sadly and too often plagued with hatred, intolerance, bigotry & negativity into a more tolerant world where we could all coexist peacefully. We began to ask ourselves, what if we could display what we had to say on our apparel? What if we could grin and wear it? And most importantly, what if we could actually make a positive difference? And thus, our mantra of "Doing Well" by inspiring others to "do" the same was born.

It is our fervent hope that, as part of a unified global community, we can all rise to the call of 'Do'ty by lending new meaning to an old adage. For it is precisely in NOT doing as we say but "doing as we do" that will hopefully inspire you & those around you to join the Doing Well Revolution.

To us here at Doing Well, these are not just mere words or empty rhetoric, further obscured by the invisibility cloak that the internet so often affords but the very essence of what fuels our committment to create a better world and the core principle that we at Doing Well take very seriously. It is our further hope that by always staying true to this simple but inherently positive belief system that together, we can and will make a measurable difference on the world around us.

As we sign off, we ask only that you share your personal stories, photos, feedback & ideas with us via Facebook even if they are not always wrapped in happy endings. We fully recognize that real life is not always good and in fact, it is often unfair, unjust and sadly too challenging for many. It is exactly those heartwarming stories and your triumphs from all of life's adversities that will continue to feed our passion to make your life journey a little less difficult.


In the meantime, we invite you to check out our Doing Well apparel products and remain committed to providing you with an excellent shopping experience. Please let us know what we can do to improve any aspect of our site. Now, enough ABOUT US... please tell us how you're DOING!

In Love & Wellness,
The Doing Well Family